It's official. Candle Season Begins...


There's a chill in the air. There's a notion in my mind, that the wardrobe will need to be changed quite soon to easily access knitwear, long sleeves and jackets. During the recent heat-wave in the UK, admittedly we didn't light too many candles as the diffusers had just launched. We made them, but we didn't light too many.

As a candle maker, we intrinsically know this is our time. The move towards colder climates just naturally inspires (for us Brit's) more tea, more knits and yes, candles.

The Protagonist .png

September has started beautifully. This week we had the wonderful Daen from the Protagonist Magazine. Daen and I shared unity in striving for the same principles of business. The magazine business has suffered massively from the rise in web-based writers, bloggers, and "influencers". Daen has been trying his hardest to put a focus back on images that have longevity, rid of disposability. Daen walked the studio exactly as he found it and snapped away, while we chatted.

I love to spend a little time breaking away from the day to day workload and reverting back to the inspiration for each of our olfactory statements.  We talked about cities and charm, history and industry, Daen is an exceptional man and I cherish the individuals that choose to swim their own path and avoid the mainstream.

The time is now. We approach the end of the first year of trading on October 1st and welcome at the beginning of the new. And with a little creative time, I have something beautiful in the works for Spring. A really dynamic and powerful direction. Just wait ...

There is too much news for one post, I strike a match to the season ahead. Stay tuned...

Diffusers by Jonathan Ward